First of all let me have a moan.
Today we have traveled to quite a few lovely villages in Brittany. Most of them have lovely cafes where you can sit outside taking in the ambiance, (can’t say ambiance without thinking of Micky Flanagan, look him up on You tube he’s so funny).
For me sitting outside in the sun drinking a lovely grand creme, (France’s version of a cappuccino), is what France is all about.

But no, not for us! Despite the fact that you can buy non dairy milk in every supermarket, you can not get it in your coffee in a cafe. What’s that all about?
Are people secret non dairy drinkers? Are they afraid of ridicule?
I must admit, unless you are in a tourist area the customers do tend to be old yokelly looking, (in a quaint sort of way), and must wonder at our new fangled ways.
Ce la vie!

Let’s now get to the something wonderful.

It’s this: Bonne Maman Abricot Intense Confiture moins sucre.

It is the best apricot jam I have ever eaten and it even has 30% less sugar. John, who doesn’t like apricot jam loves it too.
I am so getting loads to take home. When Austin, (my son in law who has a massive sweet tooth), tries this he will think he has died and gone to heaven. Oops we only talk about “food not to die for” here.

There are, of course, many wonderful things in France and we’ll get to them, but this fabulous jam just blew me away.

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By Patricia Sutton

I am an artist, a vegan and a Tarot Card reader. I am passionate about art and love doing portraits especially animals. I work traditionally and also digitally using an iPad Pro and an Apple pencil. Check out my Youtube channel: Good Life With Pat @patsutton

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